Friday, January 24, 2014

Who says they can't be in the Mountains...even in the City?

We all know those times where life gets hectic, busy and or just plain CraZY with work, family, duties, responsibilities etc...And one of my favorite ways to get over those blues is to travel to the Sierras in my backyard. Yet, what happens when I can't take that journey?

You bring it to yourself! Recently, I was able to gather some wood, rocks and materials from a friends property and take them home to create my own "wilderness" area in my back yard. I'm able to sit in an area that feels like a campground, roast smore's, build a warm campfire and hang with the family.
Camp ArmyofMike!

In addition, it has created an outstanding spot to cook with my Dutch Oven! Using the fire pit as an open area for my charcoal and oven, I've been able to cook hearty meals for the family and friends with ease.

Three bean chili with pork, sausage and beer

Cauliflower soup-Don't knock it till you've tried it!

In all, the wood, rocks and materials was only one trip in the truck. I had sketched out how I wanted it to look and it came out pretty much just how I wanted. I plan to get more materials to expand the campground around the yard. If I can't get more materials at my buddy's property, I will get a land use permit from the BLM to get wood and rocks from the Sierra Forest.

Good times.


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